S1 E5 Synopsis:
Today we’re talking with Terry Smack of Terry’s Tag and Title Service, LLC in Westminster, Maryland. This woman is AMAZING! From overcoming domestic abuse to surviving 18 months without a paycheck when she opened her doors, Terry has been through it all and is a shining example of perseverance. Nothing comes easy in life and it may take a while to find your calling, but as Terry explains, it’s never too late and you too can still live out your dream, regardless of you age.
01:35 – Guest Bragging Rights
03:10 – What is Terry’s Tag & Title?
05:40 – How did you come up with this business idea? (Terry shares her previous work experience.)
07:00 – How did you get started and fund the business?
07:50 – Non believers motivating you forward.
08:15 – Why the Maryland Vehicle Titling Association needed to be created.
10:20 – Philanthropy. Community Support. Community Involvement.
10:40 – (Customers make up employee paychecks, so treat the customers well!)
13:55 – Finding your own community involvement passion.
14:05 – Terry is a domestic violence survivor partnering with the CC States Attorney office.
14:45 – Terry shared her domestic violence story and transition to entrepreneurship.
19:45 – Mentorships and gaining experience in your field of choice.
20:30 – Why did Terry decide to support these non-profits?
21:35 – Mental tricks to believe in yourself when in a hard time of life.
23:00 – Failure is a great learning experience.
23:50 – What would you tell other women about following their heart?
24:30 – Always show people your best you.
24:55 – Think positively.
25:40 – If you could, would you have changed your past?
27:00 – Learning to trust people again, and allowing others to help out.
27:10 – Stop micromanaging.
29:10 – Terry and Adam derail to talk about this season’s sponsor and the best pizza around!
30:00 – The rich history in Carroll County, MD.
31:50 – Why did you set up shop in Carroll County, MD?
35:05 – Terry speaks on support from fellow business owners in the community.
36:10 – Invest in your people (clients and team).
36:30 – Word of mouth.
36:40 – Our community is very dedicated.
37:10 – How Terry has seen the community change over the years.
38:05 – The rise of drug abuse in our community… but there is hope (and resources).
40:30 – Resources and non-profits to help individuals overcome addiction.
42:45 – Abundance mindset.
43:00 – Adam plugs The Fearless Man.
44:15 – What Terry finds satisfaction in… giving, no matter how you do it puts you in a better place.
46:38 – “Just give a little to somebody else and you will not believe what you get back in return.”
References Mentioned:
- Terry’s Tag & Title: https://www.tagsintenminutes.com/
- Philanthropist of the Year: http://www.carrollcommunityfoundation.org/philanthropists.asp
- Maryland Vehicle Titling Association: https://www.mvta.org/
- Farmers & Merchants Bank: https://www.fmb1919.bank/
- Carroll County Chamber of Commerce: https://carrollcountychamber.org/
- Carroll Hospital Center: https://www.lifebridgehealth.org/Carroll/Carroll.aspx
- Historical Society of Carroll County: https://hsccmd.org/
- Purple Bags for Carroll County: https://carrollcountystatesattorney.org/news-media/domestic-violence-awareness-month/
- Carroll County Family & Children Services: https://dhs.maryland.gov/local-offices/carroll-county/
- Carroll County Sheriff’s Department: https://sheriff.carrollcountymd.gov/
- Community Foundation of Carroll County (21:10 Terry mentioned Audrey Cimino, former CEO): http://www.carrollcommunityfoundation.org/
- The Fearless Man: https://www.thefearlessman.com/
Thank You to our Season 1 Sponsor:
We would like to extend our thanks to Tim Chiaruttini of No Anchovies for his belief in us and what we are trying to accomplish with Around Town Carroll County. No Anchovies, home of Taneytown’s best pizza, wings, and salads… teachers of the lost art of pizza-foo… and creators of the all new poppin’ jalapeño sticks. Give No Anchovies a call today at 410-756-6625, or check out their website at www.noanchoviesusa.com. And remember, it’s not just pizza, it’s No Anchovies!